Artificial Intelligence
Deus Ex's AI is notorious for its complex yet flawed behaviour. These numerous changes, many of which essential, make all the difference in terms of believability, fixing glaring issues and providing an appropriate challenge based on difficulty level.
-Human NPCs now throw grenades competently, and do so more frequently.
-Most NPCs have new or upgraded attacks, such as MJ12 commandos knocking you back with a smack when in close proximity.
-NPCs avoid dangerous hazards more effectively, such as tear gas.
-NPC helmets deflect bullets. Helmets can be knocked off heads.
-if in close proximity NPCs do not always immediately close in on your position upon losing line of sight.
-In combat NPCs in the process of opening a door are ready to attack immediately.
-Improved various behaviour relating to NPCs that camp/defend a particular area, and more NPCs do this.
-NPCs can open fire at a realistic range.
-If the player/enemy is hiding behind breakable objects AI will attempt to shoot through the vast majority.
-If an NPC is dying or playing a pain animation their melee attack is interrupted and will not connect.
-Armored NPCs require a continual stream of fire damage to be set on fire.
-Improved Gunther & Simons bossfights, and plenty more fine tuning.
-More enemies use cloaking (turn invisible) in combat, such as an elite unit of MJ12 troops that use thermoptic camoflage.
-NPC cloaking behaviour has been expanded upon considerably.
-NPCs sometimes seek out the location they spotted the player (if they didn't confirm you to be a threat prior).
-NPCs sometimes throw flares if they suspect the player is hiding in darkness.
-NPCs react to unconscious NPCs as well as dead.
-NPCs react to sound disturbances more realistically and are no longer open to exploitation when seeking the source of a sound.
-NPCs feature variable senses, reactions and more based on difficulty level.
-Hitting an unaware NPC on the back of the head now counts as a sneak attack.
-NPCs cannot see you picking locks/multitooling if you are cloaked.
-NPCs continue to seek after they open doors (AI gave up searching after opening doors in the original game).
-You no longer turn invisible when hacking computers, and thus can be spotted (can be toggled on/off via option).
-NPCs now react to the player striking walls with melee weapons and come and investigate.
-Player can be seen while laser mod is on even if cloaked.
-Human NPCs notice when a camera has tagged the player and search in the direction it is looking in. (hardcore mode only).
-Fixed NPC seeking reactions when the player is holding a corpse.
-If an NPC spots an allied corpse they attempt to raise the alarm, If an alarm panel is nearby.
-If an alarm is sounded, reinforcements are called in (high security areas only).
-Some NPCs go straight for the alarm if they spot the player.
-NPCs become slightly more perceptive once an alarm is sounded.
-Alarm panels can be sabotaged using multitools which shocks the NPC attempting to activate it (perk required).
-Went over every map necessary adding additional pathfinding nodes and optimizing the existing graphs. This improves both stealth and combat-based behaviour.
-AI can shift objects blocking their path.
-AI no longer consider small objects on the floor something to be navigated around.
GMDX AI behaviour scales based on difficulty level. In higher difficulty levels AI feature moderately realistic senses and behaviour.
In lower difficulties they are more akin to the aged (much like in the vanilla game): slow reaction times, poor vision etc.
In the original game difficulty level only influenced bullet damage. In GMDX a wide variety of behaviour is affected, including stealth. Bear this in mind when selecting difficulty level.
-NPC's do not trigger their own laser alarms when passing through.
-NPCs that are blown up spill their inventories to the floor.
-Shooting robots with high-damaging or armor-piercing weaponry tears their armor off.
-Shotgun wielding enemies are now acceptable threats, and also have a tracer effect when firing.
-Hologram NPCs no longer run away from projectiles.
-Greater variation in the facial looks of ~50 NPCs.
-Friendly AI are more reactive to crimes, such as breaking and entering and hacking.
-Robots are more competent and feature various new behaviour.
-Lower chances of an enemy running off scared when damaged, and AI are more likely to cower in fear instead of running off.
-Pain sounds clamp increased to 0.35 from 0.25.
-If holding a corpse or TNT crate friendly NPCs may get frightened or attack.
-Map issues relating to AI fixed.
-Improved flinching behaviour.
-More AI react to stealing, and some turn hostile if they witness theft, unless you are cloaked/out of sight (can be turned off).
-Improvements relating to NPCs that are set on fire.
-Fixed headshot collision issues where there sides of the head was treated as the torso.
-NPC's that are blown up no longer scream in pain.
-More varied pain & death sound effects.
-Various other improved audio design.
-Faster Yaw Rotation Speed (makes pawns turning on the spot more convincing).
-Improved various special effects relating to AI, such as gore and shooting effects.
-Much unnoted fine tuning.

100101 Bot:
-Faster Movement Speed.
-New SFX for it's machine gun.
-Increased sound radius so you can hear them if nearby.
-Some use laser targeting for increased accuracy.
Page Bravo-3 Peacekeeper:
-Have flamethrower for close range. Gives greater purpose to fire extinguishers and Energy shield aug,
and makes them a greater threat up close in general.
-Completely overhauled behaviour - realism-based.
Page Delta-2 Peacekeeper:
-Improvements to offensive capability (Blast Radius, Damage, fire rate).
-Rocket visual effects improved.
-If it stomps on a corpse the corpse will gib.
-Tweaks to audio design.
MJ12 Commando:
-New melee attack.
-New death and footstep sounds.
-Improved armor (scales based on difficulty level).
-Increased rocket blast radius.
Simons, Anna & Gunther:
-Various improvements to make them more formidable and unique.
-Attack range scales based on difficulty level.
-Faster rotation speed.
-View range scales based on difficulty level.
-Cameras spot human corpses and sound a unique alarm [hardcore mode only].
-Changes to audio design and more.
-Upgraded spit attack.
-New jumping & standing bite attack.
-More maneuverable in water.
Karkians & baby Karkians:
-A number of minor changes, nothing significant.
Let's just say you'll fear them!
-Rats no longer float over edges.
-Player no longer bounces around erratically when standing on a rat.
-Many minor changes for realism/simulation.
-Increased offensive capability (attack range and movement speed).
-The large, rare variant of spiderbot fires spiderbot constructor grenades.
-New small variant of spiderbot commonly found in vents.
All new AI types are only encountered late in the game and exist as a means to counter Deus Ex's considerably
declining difficulty curve, and continue to engage the player in the latter third of the game. Details about these
new foes will be kept sparse as to not spoil the surprise.
MJ12 Elite:
Elite MJ12 squads. Use thermoptic camoflage, among other new tactics.
Private Military Patrol Bot:
An advanced variant of the 100101 bot.
MiB Mk.II:
A nano & mechanically augmented MiB: speed enhancement. ballistic protection, energy shield and typhoon are
among the augmentations they use.
Bob Page, in his desperation, orders the remaining MiB's (which according to DX lore are under a form of mind
control) to be nano-augmented, even though it will kill them eventually (Gray Death).