Level Design
Maps have been worked over on a large scale, yet with a very conservative approach. The intention/approach is as always as if the developers themselves took longer refining the maps. A very conservative approach, and for good reason - Deus Ex's level design is exceptional.
-The accomodation of GMDX's new mechanics & systems.
-AI behaviour & pathfinding.
-Balance of paths.
-The additio of new interactive objects.
-Improved scripted events.
-Pickup redistribution.
-Many changes related to the RPG systems.
-Map expansions where appropriate.
-All notable bugs & inconsistencies fixed.
-Small changes in the interest of realism and much more.
-Additional subtle realism-based level detail.
-Additional subtle world-building detail.
-Better lighting (although with stealth gameplay taking precedence).
-Texture alignments.
-NPC facial feature variety.
-New textures & art assets where appropriate.