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New Player-controlled Mechanics




1. If using the new & improved Microfibral Muscle augmentation & whilst holding an object, left mouse button=power throw, right mouse button=light throw.


2. Press jump a second time whilst airborne to mantle onto nearby objects. 


3. Press "Secondary Weapon" (default key = F) to use your secondary weapon, if you assigned one via the inventory screen. 


4. Inventory shortcuts: right click objects in the inventory to use or equip them. Middle mouse button to drop them.


5. Holster your weapon then press left click when looking at items of the pickup category to use them in the world without having to put them in your inventory first. Items such as soy food, medkits & fire extinguishers.


6. Use the mouse wheel when looking through a scope for scope variable zoom.


7. Double right click to pick up a corpse regardless of their inventory (originally you couldn't pick up a corpse unless you had taken all their inventory).


8. Hold lean left+lean right simultaneously to lean up/peek over cover from crouch position, or to stand on tip toes from standing postion. 


9. Attach a hi-tech scope to the GEP gun and use it for remote guidance of fired rockets. Attach a laser to the GEP gun and enable it to laser-guide fired rockets. Use the mouse to guide the rocket.


10. Cancel loading shells into the shotgun by pressing the 'fire/shoot' button.

©Give Me Deus Ex    2012-2017

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