Bugs, exploits & inconsistencies
Level design-based issues:
Code Bugs/Inconsitencies:
-Various weapon firesound bugs fixed.
-When landing from height more sound is produced as originally intended.
-Ford Schick appears at Smugglers if you rescue him.*
-Jaime Reyes appears at Tong's base at the correct part of the story if you request he join you.
-Paul won't disappear from the 'Ton hotel.*
-Manderly will recognise non-lethal efforts at battery park.
-Less objects throw you off when stood on, such as pillows & rats.
-You can no longer reload a gun if you have no ammo.
-Hazmats protect you against electricity damage as their description states.*
-Fixed an issue where throwing knifes found on corpses displayed a blank icon.
-Made non-swinging cameras reset view rotation after tagging player.
-New game inventory bug fixed.
-Hologram NPCs no longer run away from projectiles.
-Bug where the last bullet in a magazine did not produce recoil.
-AI headshot collision issues fixed.
-Possibility for two JoJo's appearing in the 'Ton fixed.*
-Picking up a grenade from a corpse no longer results in recieving two.
-Riot prod damage multiplier override fixed.
-Weapon info displays the correct damage bonus from weapon skills, as well as the damage bonus gained to melee weapons from the combat strength aug.
-Fixed a number of HDTP issues.
-Fixed a bug where the sawed off didn't play it's cocking sound after the last shell in a clip was fired, yet the animation still played.
-Fixed bug where if using a charged pickup upon entering mission 5 (Beneath UNATCO in the cell) it would break the script.*
-Fixed the laser mod having no effect on projectile-firing weapons (Mini-Xbow & Plasma Rifle).
-If player is shooting upon death, firing animation no longer overrides death animation.
-If the player is swapping weapons upon death, swap animation no longer overrides death animation.
-NPC Pain and death animations override their melee attacks.
-You can no longer pick up weapons if you have max ammo and already own the gun.
-The fire extinguisher spray follows pitch rotation.
-Looking straight up whilst under the effects of drugs or poison no longer sets you looking straight down.
-fixed bug where accessing menus whilst zoomed in with scope would change default FOV
-The spy drone can no longer be used as a parachute by activating it in mid-air
-Grenades no longer explode upon contact with a corpse or item
-Fixed various bugs relating to weapon recoil.
-The "I SPILL MY DRINK!" speech sound test doesn't play upon initilization of the window, only when changing the slider value.
Code Exploits:
-Multitool & Lockpick exploit fixed, you can no longer open anything with one tool/pick.
-Skillpoint exploits fixed: Vandenberg and SoCal Sub Base as well as the new game pistol downgrade trick.*
-Inventory 'stacking behind' glitch/exploit fixed.*
-You cannot throw all of your items to the floor of the cell after being captured by UNATCO at the 'Ton.*
-You can no longer kill yourself during loading screen transitions and pick up items of your own corpse (exploit for duplicating items).
-Augmentations cannot be activated if you have no bioenergy.
-AI sound seek state exploit (AI were deaf when seeking the source of a sound).
-Faster anim rate for security computer activation so you cannot open the computer and run and hide before the hacking interface comes up.
-LAM climbing is not possible on hardcore mode.
*Adapted from Shifter.
There's plenty more not logged.