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Graphics & Simulated Effects


GMDX fills in the missing details. Graphics are primarily improved via new level design details as well as programming of effects such as higher resolution explosions, expanded gore, and further simulated systems. Other simulated effects include expanded physics for all objects and breakable pickups.



Expanded Physics:


-Pickups and decorative objects now move when taking damage, meaning explosions send objects flying, hitting objects or shooting them knocks them around.

-Force is transferred when one object hits another.

-AI are knocked back by high-powered weaponry.

-Pool ball physics improved.


Pickups are now breakable with varying results:

-Destroying bottles of alcohol results in alcohol & glass splashing.
-Destroying fire extinguishers results in a pressurised explosion of halon gas

which can be used as a somewhat useful tool.
-Destroying the various types of grenades results in their detonation as in

Deus Ex: Invisible War.
-Destroying sodacans produces similar results to the alcohol.
-Flares ignite if shot or set on fire.
-Destroying candy bars, soy food, cigarettes, Binoculars, ambrosia & zyme vials

simply results in their fragmentation.


Camera & FPP View Model-based simulated effects/spoofed animations:

1. New simulated recoil effects when shooting.
2. Added new effects when swinging melee weapons to give a sense of shifting weight.
3. New simulated landing animation.
4. New simulated jumping animation.
5. Added minor flinching animation when shot.

6. New dynamic cover animations when facing walls.


Significantly Improved Gore:


-Gore splats up walls, drips blood and sometimes falls off or slides down walls.

-Bones & gib variations are spawned.

-If blown up by explosives the gore flies further and emits smoke.

-More blood.

-Rats and other small animals now spawn gibs.

-New gore can be turned off in accordance to vanilla design.

-Player is also more likely to gib to explosives. Gibbing happened more often

from falling damage than it did explosives.


Refinements to decoration behaviour: 


-Damaging breakable objects spawns fragments each individual shot/hit.
-More object types can be stood on (rather than throw you off)/have other objects placed on top.

-Bullet impact effects now spawn if hitting metal decorative objects.
-The more fragile decoration is easier to break if jumped on.
-Added chances for containers to spawn a greater variation of useless stuff when destroyed.  

-Player can push objects ever so slightly faster, but multiplied to a greater degree if they have the Microfibral muscle augmentation.
-Deco that is blown up spawns smoking fragments.
-Explosive decoration are less sensitive to being thrown (TNT crates etc).
-Control panels can be broken, but doing so is a bad thing if you wanted to hack it.

-Many other minor details not worth mentioning.


Examples of Other Graphics & Effects:


-Various new hi-res textures replace old ones.

-Increased the rate of weapon idle animations when running to simulate running better.

-Minor headbob when crouch-walking.

-Heavy EMP damage disables the HUD and distorts vision temporarily. 

-Vision impairment when jumping into water from height.

-Melee weapons draw damage decals when striking geometry, decal type based on surface texture.

-Improved various screen flash effects and added some new ones where appropriate.

-Explosion effects significanty improved.

-Airborne rocket effects significantly improved.

-Plasma effects improved.

-Throwing knives deflect off metal objects.

-EMP effects improved.

-Flare darts emit elaborate flare effects.

-Stunted movement when taking explosive or electrical damage.
-Thermoptic camo provides a visual cloaking effect when active.
-Updated flamethrower effects.
-Shooting water results in a splash effect.
-When objects break, the spawned fragments fly faster based on damage dealt to the object.
-Shooting wooden geometry causes wood chippings to fly off. 
-Weapons use tracer rounds/emit a tracer effect, just like the enemies' weapons.
-Altered drug/poison effects (such as when hit by a tranquilizer dart): FOV isn't lowered and held weapons do not disappear.
-Various new effects when shooting bots with different ammo types.
-Improved enemy cloak activation effect. 
-Added animated effect to the bioelectricity bar in the HUD. 
-Cardboard boxes sometimes spill polystyrene when broken.
-Fragments spawn from decorative objects when damaged. 
-Fragments spawned from decorative objects (when hit or destroyed) now use the object texture as opposed to a generic universal one. 
-Improved fire extinguisher spray effect.
-Updated various smoke effects.
-Improved the muzzle flash effects of both shotguns.
-Added new effects for when landing into water from height.
-Destroying plant pots causes proportionate dirt to spill. 
-New electro-shock effect when zapped by spiderbots. Only happens if shocked in the head.
-Improved EMP grenade explosion effects.

-Throwing objects in water produces a splash effect.

-Drowning causes a blurry vision effect.

-Various decal improvements and additions.

-Player always gibs to fast-moving industrial fan blades.

-Destroying water coolers results in splash effects if it's not out of water.


And much more,



©Give Me Deus Ex    2012-2017

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