GMDX is an award-winning large-scale modification for the 2000 PC classic Deus Ex.
GMDX addresses the many flaws of the game, polishes it to a very high standard, and adds new layers of depth that one would have hoped to see in a sequel. GMDX is executed with the strict parameter of staying true to the original design principles that define Deus Ex, and seeks to improve all aspects of design excluding the plot and soundtrack. The cumulative result thus far is said to be, and aims to be the "definitive Deus Ex experience".
Click the buttons below to view videos demonstrating notable features of GMDX for each specified category.


Where can I download GMDX once it is released?
Here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/gmdx
Will GMDX be compatible with [insert other mod here]?
GMDX is compatible with HDTP and New Vision ONLY. These two mods will come bundled with the installer for GMDX. New Vision will be an optional install.
What software & hardware is required to run GMDX?
Whatever Deus Ex requires GMDX demands the same albeit with a little more processing power. As long as your hardware isn't from the stone age it should run without a hitch however.
Will GMDX be Steam-exclusive like Deus Ex: Revision?
No. GMDX can be used with any Windows-based version of Deus Ex patched to v1112fm (Deus Ex GOTY version has this patch by default). Linux can also run GMDX with WINE.
Deus Ex was perfect, why did you change it?
No, it wasn't perfect. Far from it: AI was underdeveloped and often incapable, weaponry were not up to the standards of other games even of the time, audio design (not the soundtrack) was at times of extremely poor quality, RPG systems had some major balancing issues, and bugs were intertwined with many systems. GMDX resolves all this and more, and ensures Deus Ex will always remain relevant. Yet GMDX isn't just about fixing the flaws of DX, it is also about a rare form of game design progression: games like Deus Ex, System Shock & Ultima Underworld in principle aren't made anymore despite there being so much potential for truly "next-generation gaming". GMDX takes one of the most progressive games ever made and pushes further in terms of game design. Keep an open mind as you had to when you first started Deus Ex all those years ago.