Three new options menus enable you to customize the experience to your liking. Explore them before beginning a playthrough of GMDX.
The following is just some examples of the available options:
-Autosave after a level loading transition. Very convenient.
-Real-time UI - with this option enabled game time is not paused in the inventory, during hacking and other UI interactions.
-Invisible War Toolbelt - not as bad as it sounds, this just changes the way you use your toolbelt. Experiment with it and the default belt too as it too is improved.
-Mantling - enable/disable the ability to mantle up onto objects.
-Color-coded ammo - alternate ammo types are color-coded in the toolbelt so that you only need a short glance to know what ammo type you have loaded in your weapon.
-Added a simulated eat/drink system.
-Candy Bars heal 3 points of bioenergy. This is to create deeper choice over what food to eat now that there is a drink/eat appetite limit.
-The conditions for dropping & throwing inventory items are far more lenient. You'll see a "you cannot drop this here" message much less often.
-You can now destroy control panels as an alternative to hacking them. However, they have a very high damage threshold.
-Flares stay ignited when tossed in water, last twice as long, emit high-res smoke, and leave behind the empty shell when used as opposed to disappearing.
-Once a fire extinguisher has been used up instead of disappearing it is thrown to the ground and can be picked up and thrown around if desired.
-Changed some font styles to be less ugly.
-Added new hacking software inspired by Deus Ex: Human Revolution that lets you temporarily pause the hacking bar or bypass skill requirements.
-Cigarette & vending machines display how many credits are required.
-Added more new interactive decorations.
-Made further useful tweaks to the toolbelt.
-Player no longer screams in pain when in halon gas (from Fire Extinguisher).
-Added randomized tips that appear in the GMDX options menu.
-Medbots and repairbots can only be used twice each on higher difficulty modes.
There are thousands of lesser miscellaneous tweaks and refinements in GMDX that cumulatively "perfect" Deus Ex's design. Attempting to list them all would be futile however.
HDTP & New Vision:
GMDX is built upon the excellent HDTP graphics mod to ensure compatibility with it. HDTP modifies weapon models: gives them a higher poly count, re-skins them, improves the animations and even adds visual changes based on what weapon mods you have attached.
It also does similar work for *most* of the decorative objects in the game, and also improves various visual special effects such as flame effects. This is ALL whilst staying true to the original art style.
New Vision:
New Vision is a high resolution texture mod for Deus Ex and comes bundled with GMDX. GMDX was NOT built on top of New Vision and therefor it is optional, however GMDX was built with it from the very start so not using it will result in minor visual inconsistencies, but it is ultimately up to the user.