GMDX in combination with HDTP brings Deus Ex's weaponry to a highly
polished and visceral state.
Tactical Gameplay & choices:
-Expanded weapon modding system, including new rate of fire and damage mods, as well as a detailed weapon modding menu.
-A new secondary weapon system empowers the player.
-Recoil systems have been completely redesigned to behave realistically and yield greater gameplay depth.
-Unsilenced weapons are noisier and will alert AI in the immediate area (scales based on difficulty level).
-Weapon balancing has been meticulously improved.
-Four new ammo types.
-Many bugfixes relating to the weapons, and general polishing.
Simulated Effects:
-Bullets hitting objects now produce a wide variety of effects.
-New camera effects to give a visceral feeling of powerful recoil when shooting.
-Melee weapons now produce elaborate effects when used.
-Various improved/added animations.
-Weapons that should be semi-auto now are.
-Ejected shell/bullet casings have been polished in a number of ways.
-The player can hear gunshots etc at further ranges.
-Shotguns fire 8 pellets rather than the vanilla 5.
-All projectiles produce enhanced visual effects.
-Weapon audio design has recieved a much-needed overhaul.
Weapon Mods:
Scope Mod:
-New scope-in animation when using the scope.
-Scope toggle is no longer restricted by rate of fire.
-No longer automatically zooms back in after reloading whilst looking through the scope.
-New zoom toggle sound effect unique to the sniper rifle and plasma rifle.
-Scope view is twice as large.
-Variable Zoom functionality.
Range Mod:
-Range mods now affect heavy weapons by increasing projectile speed (and therefore potential range). Previously they had no effect on heavy weapons. Range mods also increase the projectile speed of crossbow darts.
-Shotguns now accept range mods.
Rate of Fire Mod:
-New mod type that increases rate of fire. Compatible with most weapons.
Damage Mod:
-New type of weapon mod that increases damage. Compatible with most weapons.
-Take your weapon beyond the limits set in the original game.
Full-auto Mod:
-New type of weapon mod that enables fullt-automatic fire functionality.
-Extremely rare.
Other notes: all weapon mods are now stackable in the inventory, and a new in-game weapon descriptions modding window which displays all applied weapon mods (see image below).
Be warned, the list below is primarily made up of pedantic minor details and is incomplete. Return to feature category selection? Click Here
-Increased Rate of fire and damage.
-New sounds for firing and varied sounds upon dart impact.
-Sparks are produced upon impact with metal surfaces.
-Fixed a bug where firing sound was overriden.
-New SFX when attempting to shoot when out of ammo (dry fire).
-Other audio design improvements.
-Trained level of Low-tech makes darts easier to spot when in flight.
-The mini-crossbow now produces recoil and accepts recoil mods.
-The mini-crossbow now accepts clip mods but has a lower base clip size.
-Darts can stick to a limited number of objects (as an expansion to them sticking to walls).
-Poison darts K.O unarmoured enemies silently with one shot to the head.
-Flare darts set people on fire, but are very rare.
-Flare darts produce flare effects.
-New Ammo Type: Taser darts for non-lethal purposes.
-All darts have considerably increased lifespan so they stick to walls for longer.
-New textures for all types of dart ammo.
-Increased damage.
-Tweaked animations.
-Improved effects.
-Slightly more common: AI sometimes use them too.
-Stacks in the inventory.
Stealth Pistol:
-Is Fully Automatic.
-New firing SFX.
-Produces more recoil.
-Increased clip size and other minor stat tweaks.
-New ammo type: 10mm armor piercing rounds.
-Named the Glock 49 (name based on the weapon's visual design as well as the naming of its texture file).
-Increased recoil, rate of fire & clip size, and other minor stat tweaks.
-New firing SFX.
-Accepts the silencer mod.
-Added a 'reloadEnd' sound, which it was missing for whatever reason.
-New ammo type: 10mm armor piercing rounds
Pepper gun:
-Considerably more reliable and doesn't drain ammo quite so fast.
-Accepts clip & reload mods.
Universal Machine Pistol (UMP):
-New Machine Pistol. Rivals the assault gun as it uses the same ammo type as it. Overall slightly inferior to the assault gun, but takes up less inventory space.
Assault Gun:
-Now named "ZHL-U1953" after the blueprints of the gun found in-game.
-Can now have scope mod.
-Increased damage, clip size and other pedantic stat tweaks.
-New firing & reloading SFX.
-Fixed bugs related to the underbarrel grenade launcher.
-New ammo type: 20mm EMP grenades for the underbarrel grenade launcher.
Assault Shotgun:
-Now named the "Striker 12" based on it's in-game inventory description.
-Is now semi-automatic.
-Accepts range mods.
-Fires 8 pellets as opposed to 5.
-Has trace effect when wielded by NPCs.
-New ammo type: non-lethal rubber bullets.
-New firing and reloading SFX.
-Altered view offset.
-Various pedantic stat tweaks.
Sawed-off Shotgun:
-Accepts range mods.
-Fires 8 pellets as opposed to 5.
-Has trace effect when wielded by NPCs.
-New ammo type: non-lethal rubber bullets.
-New cocking SFX.
-Faster cocking between shots.
-Cocking bug when 1 shot remaining fixed.
-Various pedantic stat tweaks.
Sniper Rifle:
-Improved firing animation.
-New firing SFX.
-New SFX when attempting to shoot when out of ammo.
-New zoom SFX when using the scope.
-Altered view offset.
-Reduced clip size, increased fire rate & various pedantic stat tweaks.
Plasma Rifle:
-Improved projectile in-flight and explosion effects.
-Range mods increase projectile speed.
-New SFX when attempting to shoot when out of ammo (dry fire).
-New zoom sfx when using the scope.
-Gibs organic targets.
-Master level of heavy weapon skill reduces inventory size considerably.
-Various pedantic stat tweaks.
GEP Gun:
-Improved rocket and explosion effects.
-Accepts clip size mods.
-Accepts laser mod. Activate laser for laser guidance of rockets.
-Accepts scope mod. Activate scope for remote guidance of rockets.
-Range mods increase projectile speed.
-New SFX when attempting to shoot when out of ammo (dry fire).
-Master level of heavy weapon skill reduces inventory size considerably.
-Various pedantic stat tweaks such as recoil, damage and blast radius.
-Adjusted view offset.
-Improved firing effects.
-Reduced clip size, but accepts clip size mods.
-Inneffective VS the most powerful enemies with energy shield aug.
-Range mods Increase projectile speed.
-Master level of heavy weapon skill reduces inventory size considerably.
-Improved rocket and explosion effects.
-More rare in the world.
-Attached scope is usable.
-Improved audio design.
Note: Most significant changes to melee weapons are via the combat strength aug & low-tech skill, details of which can be found on their respective pages.
Throwing Knives:
-Increased damage.
-Increased projectile speed (aiming for realistic levels).
-Slower base throw speed (or firing rate if you prefer. this is increased by the new melee speed modifier of the combat speed aug).
-Varied impact effects based on what it hits.
-More commonly found throughout the game.
-Increased carrying capacity.
-Added a throwing SFX.
-Fixed a number of related bugs (pickup icon and added prevention of pickup once max ammo reached).
-Low-tech skill makes TK's easier to see in-flight, so you know where they land and can master their trajectory.
-Low-tech skill at higher levels also makes enemies more likely to play flinch/pain animation when struck by low-tech/melee weapons, which obviously helps.
-Increased damage.
Riot Prod:
-Accepts reload speed mods.
-Accepts clip size mods, but base clip size is 2.
-Accepts rate of fire mods.
-New stun SFX when contact is made.
Combat Knife:
-Increased damage.
-Increased damage.
-New apprioprate sound when thrown.
-Increased Damage.
Dragon's Tooth Sword:
-Drawing/Constructing the DTS blade is noisy and alerts nearby AI. Draw before moving in for the kill.
-Improved visual fluctuation effects.
-Lowered damage.
-Improved impact effects.
Note: all grenades, armed or not, can be triggered by taking damage, so be careful of shooting grenade pickups and such.
Most significant grenade changes are also made via skill upgrades, details of which can found on the "skills" page.
-Lowered damage.
-Shorter detonation time.
-Improved explosion effects
-Increased base throw range.
-Combat speed aug increases throw speed and range.
-Will explode if you attempt to climb on it.
-Permanently disables enemies cloak.
-Disables red laser alarm in progress, if active.
-Disabled your own HUD temporarily.
-Shorter detonation time.
-Increased base throw range.
-Combat speed aug increases throw speed and range.
-Will explode if you attempt to climb on it.
-Increased damage.
-Master demolition skill level releases powerful concussion-inducing blast.
-Shorter detonation time.
-Increased base throw range.
-Combat speed aug increases throw speed and range.
-Will explode if you attempt to climb on it.
-Shorter alliance alteration time. Upgrade demolition skill to imrpove.
-Shorter detonation time.
-Increased base throw range.
-Combat speed aug increases throw speed and range.
-Will explode if you attempt to climb on it.