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A much-needed audio design overhaul. Much needed in-part due to audio design possibly being Deus Ex's weakest execution. Duplicate use of sounds are rectified, low-quality sounds are replaced, and over 200 new sounds are added where they were not present before. Below are some examples:




Deus Ex's weaponry were rather underdeveloped in general, and weaponry audio design was no exception. 


-Nearly all duplicates eliminated. For example all weapons do not sound the same when fired with a silencer on or out of ammo, and the assault gun & assault shotgun do not share the same reload sounds.

-Some examples of new sounds where they were not present before: toggling laser sight on/off, zooming in with a scope, throwing knives, attaching weapon mods, variable sounds produced based on surface the bullet hit and much, much more.

-Explosions, reloading, equipping, dropped to the floor, hitting flesh as opposed to hitting think of it and chances are it has already been implemented or improved.


General Interactions:


-Missing inventory interactions have now been fulfilled, such as eating candy bars, drinking wine & applying weapon mods.

-Sound design involving picking up decorative objects and throwing them has been expanded.

-Five new footstep sound groups that play based on surface texture, bringing the total number of groups up to twelve.

-New sounds when the player lands from height, also based on surface texture.




-AI have been expanded upon primarily in areas that demanded immediate attention, much like everything else audio. Not all enemies you shoot shout the same "YARRRGHHH" death scream, for example. 

-General expanded and polished AI audio, such as variations in attack sounds, bark behaviour modifications to prevent AI from spitting the same lines frequently, and everything just behaving in a simulated manner as it should. 


Level ambience and scripting:


-Within the levels themselves you'll hear new ambient sounds, as well as scripted sound events.


Other audio design examples:


-the HUD emits an audible warning when bioelectrical energy is running low. 

-Most active augmentations have unique sounds when previously only cloaking and spy drone did.

-JC grunts less frequently when jumping, no longer grunting with every jump. 

-All sounds can be heard to a realistic range, when previously gunshots a few meters away could not be heard, as one example.

-Changed player death SFX. JC no longer also shares that same "YAARRGHHH" death scream.

-Much, much more. Over 200 new sounds have been added in addition to many design-based tweaks.


©Give Me Deus Ex    2012-2017

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